QMC advanced to the top 15 Innovation Award 2018
The QMC represented by We are Groot !!! advanced to the top 15 Innovation Award events held by Directorate Knowledge Management & Innovation BINUS, through its innovation "The Quality Objective Da...
The QMC represented by We are Groot !!! advanced to the top 15 Innovation Award events held by Directorate Knowledge Management & Innovation BINUS, through its innovation "The Quality Objective Da...
BINUS University has successfully undergone external quality audit on ISO 9001:2015 conducted by SGS on July 19-20, 2018. This audit is a requirement for obtaining a certificate. This audit was conduc...
In order to meet the needs of Internal Auditor staff as well as to prepare for the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 in Binus University environment. Quality Management Center conducts training for...
Wednesday, March 15, 2017, Binus University held the opening of Internal Audit 2017, The Meeting was held in M2CD Room, Syahdan Campus and followed by all Internal Auditors and Binus University leader...
Rabu 22/2/17 Quality Management Center - Binus University melakukan kunjungan studi Banding ke Badan Penjaminan Mutu Akademik (BPMA) Universitas Indonesia - Kampus UI Depok. Dalam agenda kunjungan ini...
Kabar dari NIST selaku lembaga yang menaungi BALDRIGE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM, pada tanggal 14 Desember 2016, telah menerbitkan kirteria baru untuk Baldrige Excellence Framework 2017-2018 untuk sektor bisn...
Liputan Malam penganugerahan Indonesian Quality Award (IQA 2016) Selasa 15 November 2016, Hotel Mulia Senayan Sumber: BINUS TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjysY9kcmss ...
Bertempat di Kampus Syahdan, Binus University (19/11/2016), QMC mengadakan workshop interpretasi OFI dan perumusan Action plan dengan mengacu pada feedback report yang diterima melalui assessment IQA ...
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